Roleplay to another level

Warm Intro

welcome fyreWhat if Super-Human levels of sexual ecstasy could be yours to experience again and again? What if you honestly expressed your sexuality without any embarrassment, shame, or negativity? What if love was without loss and pleasure was without problems? What if all of us were pillars of healthy sexuality and love, in our own unique ways?

Who says that Super-Humans aren’t allowed to be just as naughty as anyone else? Everyone knows what’s going on with Super-Humans behind their public image, in their “private” lives, don’t we? Is there a rule they can’t enjoy some ass when they’re not saving some? Where is it written in stone they can’t be just as superpowered under the sheets as they are in front of a cape? Are the Heroes just as capable of “dastardly deeds” as the Villains are, when no one is looking… or even, when everyone is looking?

Well I’m here to tell you, and show you, all that and more is possible.

Welcome to! Super-Human Erotica that both treats the senses and sparks the imagination. This is the official website of the world’s wildest Super-Human Adult Entertainer, who’s also so much more. My name is Fyrona Caroline, aka my adult entertainer name: Goddess Fyre, and my playful nickname: Fyre Melons. Just call me Fy for short. My serious Superhero name is The Blue Fyre of Anger, a metaphor of healthy heart-driven protective anger.

This website is my home for everything I do of an entertaining nature. It’s where I let loose with my exhibitionist Super-Human sexuality, where I embrace the pleasurable and playful side of life, and I take a break from serious stuff (for the most part).

It is by all stretches of the imagination XXX rated, but it’s not mindless porn, it’s mindful porn. I desire my fans to look beyond my flesh, and see into my mind and heart. I want people to be happy, in whatever ways that might manifest for the individual. I desire pleasure without problems, for both myself, and all. And pleasure without problems requires bringing higher Consciousness and authentic morality into sexual behavior. There are healthy times and healthy places for enjoying and exploring sexuality, and they are found by the individual. I stand for the direction of sexual desires—not the denial of them.

In case you’ve never heard of me, I’m a fire and psychic empowered Super-Human Woman of many different dimensions. If I can solve a problem with my superpowers, I will. And if I can’t solve a problem with my superpowers, than I’ll find another way. I’m an independent Philosopher who thinks and speaks freely—and I’m not afraid to piss people off in the pursuit of truth and universal happiness. There’s a difference between being “preachy,” and speaking the upsetting truth without backing down. I’m a down to Earth woman who loves good company, delicious food, great sex, and connecting with my fans in a real, bullshit-free authentic context. And of course, I’m an Adult Entertainer. Or, Porn Star if you prefer.

I consider myself a Teacher of all things sexual, a Philosopher who confronts any sexual issue, and above it all: a Sexual Healer. is devoted to erotic entertainment, but also to erotic education. It is liberated yet balanced, loving yet explicit, and it brings intense superpowered sexuality to the forefront without embarrassment… where things often get real messy. Here you will find naughty stories, sex-education, tons of info on me, both softcore and hardcore porn, a section devoted to all my naughty friends, my selection of favorite music, some funny stuff, information on my adults-only Supergroup Max Irrational, and plenty more on top of that… or bottom if you prefer!

To get a more thorough and general introduction, covering my powers, bio, supergroup, philosophy, and more, read the interview I did with Millennium City’s WCOC News, here.

Desire a directly arousing erotic intro? I love to put on a strip tease. So come get Closer to Fyre.

Zone Navigation

  • The Porn: Erotic Stories, Hardcore and Softcore Pics, my XXX Bio, and much more. I love to handle and satisfy a rampaging monstrous cock with all I’ve got. Wanna see?
  • Fy’s Friends: The zone for all my naughty friends. Some of them are all-the-way hardcore, some are simply models. Think of their pages as mini-websites: bios, powers, porn, etc.
  • Sex-Ed: Various sexual issues, ideas, psychology, practices, and… you want a bigger cock? Or perhaps bigger tits? Because it’s possible! No pills, no scams. Just lots of “hard” work!
  • About Fy: Non-pornographic entertainment: my Bio, favorite music and movies, and some funny stuff. Get entertained, and learn about me, the woman Fyrona Caroline.
  • Max Irrational: The website within a website devoted to my supergroup: Max Irrational. Every Hero deserves their time to indulge no matter what their appearance or lifestyle may be.

Burning Intro

As a fearless philosopher, I directly confront any issue in detail and without edit. And I love to play devil’s advocate. So let’s play.

I don’t mind the title of porn star, but I do mind having everything about me immediately judged based solely on being a porn star. If you want to judge my intelligence and morality, judge them on my intelligence and morality—not on how I choose to enjoy my genitals. My body’s appearance and my sexuality do not determine the contents and value of my mind and heart. Sex is part of my life, not the foundation. I engage in love-guided lust, not lust-guided love. Love is a word with countless connotations, many more than just the: “all-of-time-one-and-only.” There are all kinds of love, and they all have value.

I do what I do for a number of reasons, the major one of which is grabbing people’s attention. Whether it’s positive or negative, sexual or otherwise, I do all I can to direct attention onto the serious information people need to know if the world is going to become a place of peace. That information is what I simply label: “Natural Law.” I unleash my serious side on, and give you just a taste here. All the wisdom in the world is worth nothing if no attention is directed at it.

It is possible to be a sexually wild, liberated, and expressive person, AND be a serious, moral, and loving person who’s awake and aware. I fully respect everybody’s right to have a 100% private sex life, just as I respect my right to be a porn star. Pleasure isn’t the most important thing in life, but it is important. I do NOT subscribe to the idea that pleasure is ALL that matters. That is a shallow, heartless, and cowardly idea. My head is not stuck in the sand, it’s fearlessly looking before the world as it is. Pleasure has a real bad way of blinding and weakening, and so pleasure must be balanced with discipline and awareness. True pleasure, is pleasure without problems. No problems for me, no problems for those close to me, and no problems for the world at large.

If you insist on calling me a hedonist, fine. Call me a conscious, awake and aware, fighting against evil, hedonist. While I love to enjoy my sexuality, that doesn’t mean it blinds me from the serious issues and the moral obligations I have to deal with those serious issues. I have a wild and satisfying sex life AND I’m a good person. Yes, that is possible! Pleasure isn’t a distraction, it’s a celebration.

Being a highly sexual person doesn’t make me automatically shallow, being erotically expressive doesn’t automatically make me immoral, and having a displayed XXX side doesn’t automatically mean I have a low IQ. Adults-only doesn’t mean idiots-only.

Sexual pleasure is a natural healthy need of the body, similar to the need for food, and what happens as someone starves? They make increasingly desperate and immoral choices. What happens when someone gets their food from unhealthy sources for the first 20 years of their life? They think it’s normal, and so they just keep on eating the unhealthy food, no questions asked. Judge me all you’d like, but for crying out loud, look beyond my genitals and sexuality and judge me on the TOTALITY of who I am.

I get that not everybody is into porn, and I fully respect that. But somebody doesn’t have to enjoy my porn in order to enjoy the other things I do, learn what they can learn from my educational works, and show some flipping respect for my Free Will choices. Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignor-ance.

I understand many will not like that I’m a porn star in addition to everything else, and I understand I also have the Free Will right to do what I’m doing. I’m not violating anyone’s Free Will choices, and I’m not bringing harm upon anyone as a result of my actions—I’m actually doing the exact opposite. There is a difference between personal preferences and objective right and wrong—don’t confuse them.

Porn is the number one thing on the internet, and yet it’s a taboo? What the fuck? If porn is such a horrible thing and such a big problem, we really need to openly and honestly address this issue in mainstream society, on mass. And if it’s not that big of an issue, what is?

There is a difference between exploring and enjoying sexuality with the healthy and understandable use of porn, and than being addicted to porn to the extent it destroys lives. If used in a healthy and conscious context porn can enhance the libido, and break down destructive sexual inhibitions, in addition to being a whole lot of fun. The real issue isn’t porn, the real issue is unhealthy minds going uncured all throughout society. It is long past the time when the very force that gifts us with life is NOT allowed to be a reason for so much suffering in our lives. Sex, and the repercussions of sex, should bring about pleasures ONLY. I stand for pleasure without problems. It’s that simple.

I fiercely protect life as much as I passionately enjoy life. I use my powers to protect the sacredness of life, but I also use my powers to celebrate the pleasures of life. As the saying goes about me: “Fyre gives a fuck.” And I do, lots of fucks. I’m salaciously satisfying, yet unafraid of serious issues. While I know how to have fun, my fun is not a distraction from what needs to be done. Is your sexual pleasure a celebration of your true humanity… or a distraction from it?

As a porn star who’s superpowered, along with many of my lovers who are the same, the porn you will find here is not of the “normal” kind. That simply means it’s “superpowered” and mostly made by Super-Humans. Things are way bigger, bodies are impossibly perfect, pleasure levels are far above normal, and… possibilities abound. It is a fantasy to explore and enjoy, not your reality. Although, I do love to make dreams come true, to those that deserve it.

The sex and porn I involve myself with are not degrading nor disrespectful in any way. I’m all about the enjoyment and expression of life, not the degradation or disrespect of life. I have the utmost love and honor for both genders, all of humanity whether they’re Super-Human or not, and whatever sexual identity a person may have. Everybody needs release, everybody needs respect, and everybody needs to feel the beauty of love. Women nor men are simply material sex-objects, they are immaterial beings seeking experiences and expressions in the beautiful material forms of physical reality. No matter what their physical vessel might look like. Explore. Enjoy. Evolve.

(To read much more about the healthy use of porn versus the unhealthy use of porn, click here.)

Hot Shots

One of my favorite photographers is the one and only Supro. He’s taken most of the photos on this site. My other favorite photographer is 3DZen. Be sure to click on their names and support them! As the Erotic Story “Squirt Fun Guns” attests to, I take care of my photographers. Be sure to check out their works and request more pics, and even videos, of me! Also, if you’d like to become one of my photographers, please e-mail me ( and we’ll get something going!

Team Effort

My dearest lover, hacker, and comrade William Alexander helps me run this site. I hesitate to use the word “marriage” as people will misunderstand our relationship. We are together, we love each other, and we are there for each other. But we are not attached at the hip, we don’t restrict each other in any way. Our love is liberating, free, without stress. We regularly invite new lovers into our sex-lives. And yes, some of those lovers are indeed my selected fans. He’s my personal nerd, professional computer tech, and amazing lover. He’s as much a funny Geek as he is a satisfying Stud. He’s my close friend, trusted comrade, and “full-time” lover, both off and on the screen. We fall asleep, and wake up, to each others embrace almost every day.

Most of the time I go home to him, but sometimes I do go home to a personally selected favorite fan (learn more here). We have our rules (not society’s), and I follow them no matter what. While we are faithful to each other, we are also adventurous with others. I love to be someone’s fantasy, it gets me off. However, being someone’s reality is an entirely different story. Please keep that in mind. William is happy to let his Goddess connect with others, and doesn’t hold any sort of bullshit envy. He’s in a passionately bonded, emotionally meaningful, and sexually satisfying relationship with a Super-Human Sex-Goddess—trust me, he’s not complaining about a thing. There is no room for fear in a loving-relationship. He also connects with new lovers and his fans, and I have no problem with it. If you have to label us “swingers,” label us “highly selective swingers.” We’re not outrageously promiscuous, but we are wildly faithful. I absolutely love him, for a number of reasons, as I’m sure you will see. That colossal cock of his…

Anyway, throughout this website you will sometimes hear his voice, like in the Bios, but mostly you will hear mine. There are some other writers who had their contributions as well. If you’re interested in helping me out with my work, of whatever nature, such as with editing, photos, or ideas, send me an e-mail at: I’m just getting warmed up.

And please, I desire constructive criticism! So voice your opinion of what I do, whether it’s nice or mean, praising or rude. The more angles I can have on my work, the better I can make it.

Goddess Worship

Calling for the absolute end of pornography is wasting words, it’s never gonna happen. Calling for the healthy direction of pornography can happen, if people take responsibility for their own healthy, appreciate, and loving sexuality. One of the many reasons I do what I do as an Adult Entertainer and Sexual Educator is to bring truly healthy sexuality to as many as possible, in whatever ways I can. Simple put, healthy sexuality is pleasure without problems. No heartaches. No embarrassment. No frustration. No performance issues. That is full of respect, appreciation, and love. Which requires bringing higher Consciousness and authentic morality into sexual behavior. We are designed for the experience of pleasure. There is nothing inherently wrong with pleasure.

The Goddess was once worshiped as a symbol for many beautiful and positive things, including: fertility, love, female sexuality, Motherhood, the cycles of life, peace, aesthetic beauty, bonding, and so much more. The Goddess as a symbol can mean a variety of different things to different people, so keeping in that mind, there are 3 core manifestations of the Goddess. First, is the individual female body. Her curvature, reproductive system, and her sexuality. Second, is Gaia, our Mother Earth (she can also be called Sophia). This amazing supporter of life that feeds us, clothes us, gives us our breath, our very life. And third, is the great mystery of existence itself, all of Creation. That universe out there so large, the starry night sky, the invisible womb that birthed it all. There is the Individual Mother, the Earth Mother, and the Cosmic Mother. I desire to see a return to Goddess worship, in all her manifestations.

What I mean by the word: “worship” isn’t anything dis-empowering. It doesn’t mean looking up there to some high and mighty something. No, true and healthy worship means looking at beautiful reality, it empowers both the worshiped and worshiper. Worship isn’t sacrificing yourself, it’s expressing your appreciation, respect, and love, in whatever ways you choose to.

I will keep the history lesson short and sweet: The more people have worshiped the Goddess, the less religious-based wars there have been. The first time people murdered each other over religious beliefs was AFTER the idea of a single, all-powerful male deity come around. The Goddess gives everybody room for their beliefs, multiple gods can get along with her, and she wants different ideas to inspire each other. She isn’t interested in being all-powerful, she’s interested in universal peace.

Feel free to worship me as an incarnation of the Goddess, as a Goddess of Sexuality. I love it. But don’t stop there. Worship the archetypical idea of the Goddess, in all her forms. Go beyond just worshiping the physical incarnation, and worship Mother Earth that gifts you life every day. And keep going beyond even that, into the spiritual and deeply psychological, and worship all of creation, worship the mystery of your own awareness, worship the beautiful puzzle of Consciousness in this Cosmic drama.

The power of the Warrior needs the wisdom of the Goddess or else things become self-destructive. And on the same token, the wisdom of the Goddess needs the power of the Warrior to actually change things. Both the feminine and the masculine are needed. Both the Goddess and Warrior must work together. Simply put: The Goddess is primary, the Warrior is required.

I want to help rekindle Goddess worship throughout society. Because without it, peace is impossible.

Max Irrational

My Adults-only Supergroup is named Max Irrational. Here’s the quick info on it:

Every Hero deserves their time to indulge. We not only fiercely protect life, we passionately enjoy life. Left-brained super-rational seriousness has a place and time, but so does right-brained super-irrational fun. Life isn’t just about work and survival, it’s also about play and pleasure. Because being good deserves the best rewards.

We not only fight Villainy, we celebrate life’s many pleasures. While we enjoy everything life has to offer (such as food, music, and friendship), we specialize in what most Supergroups would never dare to embrace—sexuality. It’s not a taboo around here! And nor is it a requirement! We’re not a bunch of hedonists with heads in the sand, we’re devoted Heroes who enjoy ourselves, however the individual wishes. We both preach and practice pleasure without problems.

Our mission is two-fold: hunting down the bad guys, and changing shallow social views on sexuality and adult entertainment. We have 7 major efforts: The usual efforts of Superheros; Sexual Education; Modeling; Hardcore Entertainment; Brothel; Advertisement Firm; and Nightclub.

As long as you understand and follow our 3 strictly enforced rules, you’re always welcome inside Max Irrational. 1: Understand and practice the Non-Aggression Principal of Natural Law. No means no. Respecting Free Will must be a priority for each member. This could also be called the Sacred Feminine, or Goddess Energy.

2: Understand and practice the Self-Defense Principal of Natural Law. Evil must be combated, or else it will run amok. Defending Free Will must be a priority for each member. This could also be called the Sacred Masculine, or Warrior Energy.

3: Deal with conflicts, problems, and drama as a mature adult who puts their Ego in the proper place. We’re a community of mature minds who know how to have fun, and I will do whatever is necessary to keep it that way.

Visit our official webpage and learn more about our philosophy here.

Morals and Porn

“The powerful teachers don’t ever tell the student to pay attention to their information, the powerful teachers put their information right where the student is already paying attention.”
-Fyrona Caroline

I want to devote some space here to explain my sexuality and career in porn, my mission statement, and play devils advocate. In depth. This is a taste of my philosophy, so fair warning. As a simple mission statement for, not my overall mission statement, just this site, I have three main elements.

1: I seek to erotically entertain. In ways that aren’t “normal.” Push the boundaries a bit… and a lot. Get more people to take the chains off their libido, because they know they’ll ride it without a problem. I additionally want to entertain in non-erotic ways, though bringing movies, music, and humor to people’s attention.

2: I seek to educate about all things sexual. Such as psychological related issues, the various means of enhancing sexual pleasures, what “sexual liberation” truly means (morality+satisfaction), and the profound importance of delayed gratification. Why bad things happen associated with sex is not a freaking mystery—it’s psychology.

And 3: I’m proving a few points, the key one of which is: Displayed sexuality doesn’t form degradation—people’s own insanity forms degradation. People have been “displaying” sexuality in their own minds for as long as people have been having sex. Sexual doesn’t mean shallow. Erotic doesn’t mean immoral. Adults-only doesn’t mean idiots-only. Porn can enhance one’s sex life, and a couple’s sex life, and be a beautiful and fun thing, if used in such a way that erotic material enhances the imagination and libido: not diminishes it.

I have every intention to help people connect with their true Nature, find authentic bullshit-free love, and find meaning in their personal lives. If an individual is going to engage porn as a means of running away from the real issues, escaping their responsibilities, and defiling their own libido, that is not my choice, that’s theirs. Porn isn’t a replacement for anything, it’s an enjoyable tool. How that tool is used isn’t up to me, that’s up to the user.

This website is erotically entertaining, sexually informative, sometimes comedic, often light-hearted and fun, and sexually explicit, intense, and messy. It is meant to be fun above all else. I love being alive, I love being an Adult Entertainer, and I love being a Sexual Teacher, Philosopher, and Healer. I love sex! Can ya blame me? But don’t get the wrong impression about me: while I am a highly sexual person, I fully understand sex is not the most important thing in life, and I don’t let sex become a distraction from my serious work.

While of course sex is related to procreation and family, it’s also related to plenty more beautiful things in life. Sex is about fun, super-charging energy levels, enjoying existence, mutual celebrations, crafting authentic bonding-love, and practicing a little known art called “Sex-Magic.” Sex is a celebration, inspiration, and motivation for me. Not a distraction, disgrace, or depression.

While I’m not monogamous, I’m not disrespectfully promiscuous ether. Every person I have sex with is someone I have a loving and authentic relationship with. Together, we celebrate the joy, connections, and power sexuality brings in an open, honest, and harmonizing environment. That creates pleasures only. Think more tribal than marriage.

I have nothing against traditional marriage, it’s a beautiful and sacred connection. Everyone is entitled to their own healthy practice of sexual relations, with whomever they choose, and with whatever level of privacy they choose. But the “usual” kind of marriage is just not for me. While drama-free love is something for everyone, traditional monogamy is not for everyone. Trying to push any one kind of sexuality on the entire human race is ridiculous. As long as the sexual behavior honors Free Will and does no harm, that sexual behavior is fine.

Every person I have sex with, full-time lovers or part-time lovers, all have a mutually loving and meaningful relationship with me. Sex is only part of my sexual relationships—not the foundation of them. I don’t desperately claw to get love from another, I don’t need love from another to an unhealthy chronic degree, I’m not psychologically dependent on another to be happy and balanced within my own Self. My heart does not require the blood of another to beat, but it is all the stronger with it. Dependency is an unhealthy warped sense of love.

Instead, I gladly embrace their love free of charge, just as they do mine, and together we share and celebrate our happiness and sexuality. Real love isn’t a currency of exchange, it’s free expressions that honor life. My love is not manufactured from the Ego’s demand for acceptance, my love originates from the Self, to be shared with others free of charge. True love has no price tag, though it does have requirements.

I connect with people, not attach to them. Nobody “owns” me, and I don’t “own” anyone. There is no master/slave element in my relationships (the bedroom is a different story). If people on mass say that dependency-based love is wonderful, than why is that love often associated with horrific crimes and murders, heartaches and suicides, divorces and destroyed childhoods? Among plenty of other horrible things. What would the Lifetime channel, and basically all of Hollywood, do without dependency-based love? Is love supposed to be the cause of suffering?

Happiness is only real if shared, but also only if it emanates from within. I’m not into dependency and drama, I’m into directions and dreams. Bonding in love is different from depending on love. So, while I am a XXX rated Adult Entertainer, I’m also a respectful, balanced, and honorable woman. Don’t conclude everything there is to conclude about me based solely on what I choose to do with my genitals. Judge an attribute on that attribute. Judge my intelligence on my intelligence, judge my morality on my morality, judge my character on my character. Not on my sexuality.

Not everybody agrees with my love life and sexual practices, and the fact I’m an Adult Entertainer in addition to everything else, and I understand, respect, and honor that point of view. I consider myself a Guardian of Free Will, an Officer of Natural Law. Every individual has the inherent right to live and create as they will, and to love as they will, so long as they honor Free Will. People have the right to watch and create porn if they so choose. Just as people have the right to never watch it, or never become involved with it at all, if they so choose. And, people can even love in dependency-based relationships, if they so choose. Is that not what authentic freedom is all about, for each individual?

The issue isn’t porn. The issue isn’t homosexuality. The issue isn’t promiscuity. The issue is the absence of respect within society for Free Will and the mass denial of objective right and wrong. Free Will and absolute right and wrong are directly tied to humanity, heart, and everything else that truly matters in life. Freedom exists in a society to the degree its people are moral. And morality (meaning objective right and wrong) isn’t a matter of opinion or belief. The Sun and the stars, the Earth and the sky, the plants and the animals, exist in the same way right and wrong exist. People just need the “eye” to see that.

There is a difference between personal preferences, and objective right and wrong. It’s really simple: Do no harm. If you enjoy crazy wild bisexual orgies with toys and double penetrations, so what. If no harm results and that’s your thing, than that’s your personal preference—and it’s not objectively wrong. If harm results from that behavior (heartaches, a degraded sense of your self-worth, etc), than it becomes wrong. But if that behavior results in, well, a lot of happy people, than it’s fine. The people of the world really need to stop confusing personal preferences with objective right and wrong, or else all those wonderful things people claim they want (peace, love, safety, etc), can’t become reality. When the world’s people stop confusing personal preferences with objective right and wrong, it will become a paradise.

Just because I’m sexual, doesn’t mean I’m void of virtue. Virtue is a word I use with a connotation outside of any belief system’s definition, I have my own. Virtue is a word I use to describe personally motivated, Self sustained, life harmonizing conduct across one’s entire life, public and private, of conduct known or not. Virtue moves toward peace, power, and purpose for both the Self and All. Virtue is authentic morality. Virtue is organic morality. Meaning morality that isn’t injected into your skull from a society, it’s inherent to your humanity at birth.

I am a woman of principles, and I hold virtue as more important than money, reputation rating, and “trying to make everyone happy.” I’m on a multifaceted mission with lots of goals, which includes helping to prove to the world that there’s nothing inherently wrong with sex, nor with porn. Sexual activities, even the explicit messy ones on camera, are not inherently wrong or degrading. It’s what can happen as a result of sexual activities—the repercussionswhere any wrong or degradation can be found.

A lot of people in the world with, shall I say strong beliefs, seem to think that wild sexuality and virtue cannot co-exist in a person’s life. Again, I have nothing against monogamous marriage, I’m all for people choosing that. But not everyone in the world is going to get married to one person for their entire lives. And yet, at the same time, everyone is horny! Apparently, unless you have that one and only source of sexual pleasure for the rest of your life, you have a choice between ether psychological castration or being an immoral unmarried promiscuous scumbag with no practice or sense of virtue.

And yet, no one would exist, and be experiencing their life, if it wasn’t for sex. Despite what a morally bankrupt sorry-ass society that can’t even take care of its own people has to say, it is possible to be both sexually wild and morally stable. A person’s morality isn’t determined by their sexuality. God designed us to be horny! Just as much we are designed to live with balance, virtue, Self-hood, and joy. Think on that.

My expressions are without embarrassment. My pleasures are without problems. And my love is without loss. My libido is a beautiful creator, a crystal clarifyer, and a force for love. Not an ugly destroyer, mass confuser, or manufacturer of hatred. My sex drive uplifts hearts, it doesn’t break them over and over again. Because I interweave ever-expanding Consciousness with my own sexuality. What about yours?

When was the last time you heard the phrase: “Virtuous Sexuality”? And how often in society have you seen healthy, balanced, virtuous sexual behavior? Versus sexual behavior of… other kinds. The civilization whose people can’t even get their genitals in order isn’t going to be getting anything else in order.

You can find more information about my thoughts on sex, relationships, porn, and more, in the sex-ed section. I’m just introducing it here, I don’t push my thoughts or philosophy on anyone. Everyone has a right to their own mind, body, heart, and soul. is intended to be erotically entertaining and fun above all else, so I won’t get too philosophical on ya outside of this front page, and of course the sex-ed section.

But if you’re interested in learning more about my serious-minded philosophical side, that goes far beyond sexual matters, check out I deal specifically with how to learn as opposed to what to learn. I do everything I can to deconstruct the Ego’s lies. If you’d like for me to sum up my philosophy in only four words and two sentences, here ya go: Fuck “authority.” Respect Life. Life is capitalized for a number of reasons, and “authority” is in quotes for a number of reasons as well.

I might seem all nice, fun, and sexy here on, but I assure you: I know when to get serious, I get very fucking angry against evil, enraged when wrongs are left unchecked, and especially pissed off when I witness the ignor-ance of truth. I’m called “The Blue Fyre of Anger” for a number of reasons. I’m not afraid of asking “why?” Are you?


Thanks for reading my full intro, be sure to check out everything I have to offer, and please keep in mind I’m just getting warmed up. I’ve got a lot planned.

Contact me: I’m always looking for constructive criticism, happy stories, and to expand my work. If you want to use me in your creative efforts, or help me out with my own, let me know and we’ll work together!

Desire a directly arousing erotic intro? I love to put on a strip tease. So come get Closer to Fyre.