Roleplay to another level

Maximizing His Pleasure


Did you know a man can actually make his penis stronger, healthier, and bigger? It’s no scam, it’s no bullshit ad, I’m not selling anything. It’s real. Pills will never do it, although they can help with blood flow, and that is related. It’s called “Penis Exercising” or PE, and it works. It’s an exercise program like any other, and so you need to learn what you are doing and take it step by step. You don’t start with 500lbs on the bench press. You work your way there. Injury’s are possible from PE, but it’s perfectly safe as long you’re not an idiot.

I’ve had plenty of fans “deeply” thank me for informing them about this wonderful practice, and they have often gained multiple inches in both girth and length with dedicated practice, as well overcoming other penis related issues like ED and premature ejaculation. This following website is a great place to get started: ““.

Penis size isn’t the most important thing in life, there is nothing wrong with having an “average” size (5-7 inches). But I think it’s safe to say guys having bigger manhoods isn’t something most woman are gonna complain about! Though the culture seems to think bigger is better, that’s not always the case. Not all woman want a monster cock, just like not all guys want a woman with ginormous tits. We each have our personal preferences, and it’s love that matters more than anything else.

PE is two-fold: slowly stretching the tissues, and gradually “inflating” the tissues with increased blood flow. Stretching and Jelqing (squeezing around the shaft base with thumb/forefinger then pushing the blood throughout the tissues, a “milking” motion) are the two major exercises. The human body adapts to practically anything, and when the penis is constantly stretched and/or inflated, it will adapt to the stress. Look into it thoroughly, and know what you are doing beforehand!

giant dick

There are many things to take into consideration, but the average rate of gain seems to be about 1 inch in length, and 1/2 inch in girth, every 3-6 months. Results will widely vary depending on various things. I can’t stress enough to take it slow, it’s not a race, and play it safe.

Simply put, a healthy and strong big cock can make for a more confident man, more satisfying sex lives, and thereby a more healthy relationship. When a couple is having great sex that’s a damn good sign the relationship is great as well. So if you feel embarrassed, guilty, or helpless about the size or ability of your member, perk up and do something about it!

Check out to start learning all about PE, maximizing your pleasure, and overall health as well. Yes, products are sold on that site, but you don’t need them. All the detailed information you will need can be found there for free. Take your time, read everything, and start slow. Every man can be a stud with the right mindset and practice, so make yourself into the sexiest man you can be. We all have to start somewhere.

And ladies, natural breast size is also not set for life. You can make your boobs bigger without surgery! It too is a dedicated program, involving exercises, massages, creams, hormones, and more. So learn what you are doing beforehand, and become the sexiest woman you can become.  Check out to start learning more. Because b( o Y o )ies are awesome! So click ’em! Find the truth for yourself and spread the good news. We all should be “Personal Porn Stars” in the bed.

I won’t get into the issues of mass corruption, media manipulation, and misinformation here, but I will simply say there are a lot of profits to be made by keeping information about what potential changes a human being is actually capable of suppressed. Changes of a sexual nature, but also changes in general. It’s well established that unhappy people buy a lot of crap to try and “fill in the void,” while happy people simply buy what they need. Save money. Be happy.

(The work in progress full version of this essay will eventually cover everything possible to maximize a man’s pleasure. But for now, the rest will focus on kegels.)


First, let’s establish what a “kegel” is (aka pelvic floor muscles, or PC muscles). Kegel is the name given to the muscle you use when holding back your pee. You know when you really gotta go and you’re really having to hold it? That’s your kegel muscle. Doing deliberate exercises to strengthen this muscle will have many positive effects on your sex life. More intense orgasms, stronger ejaculations, lasting longer, and plenty more.

Holding back your pee is the regular kegel muscle. However, pushing out your pee is the reverse kegel muscle. If you explore and experiment around with your own body, and get into kegeling, you won’t regret it. Trust me.

Regular kegels help with explosive orgasms that result in ejaculation. When a man is approaching ejaculation, and during ejaculation, the regular kegel muscle is flexing over and over. However, reverse kegels help to keep your regular kegel muscles relaxed, to help prevent explosive orgasms. If you have premature ejaculation issues, it might be a psychological issue, or it could be a nuts and bolts kegel muscle issue, or perhaps both. Your regular kegel muscles must remain relaxed during sex or orgasm will result, in addition to remaining psychological relaxed. Snoop around on and you’ll find all kinds of information about this topic. But the reverse kegel muscle isn’t just for helping with ejaculation control…

A man’s “Other” orgasm is achieved through prostate stimulation. But don’t worry fellas, anal sex isn’t the only way to stimulate the prostate. When the reverse kegel muscle gets strong enough, it can stimulate the prostate. Though not as intense as an ejaculating explosive orgasm, prostate simulation can still result in a powerful sensation for men, an “Implosive” orgasm. And unlike with explosive orgasms, implosive orgasms won’t diminish the sex drive. In fact, they will do the exact opposite.

A few simple starter exercises. 1: Whenever you use the bathroom, learn to control both regular and reverse kegels. Gain direct control over both regular and reverse kegels. 2: While rock-hard, lightly stimulate yourself (penis or elsewhere) while focusing on pushing your reverse kegel muscle as hard as you can, and hold it there. If your abs get involved, this is fine. 3: Take in a deep breath. Push the air down and into your stomach. Then keep pushing the air down while holding your reverse kegel. Imagine all your energy is flowing down into your manhood.

Snoop around for more information from every source you can, experiment around a bit with your own body and enjoy it. Know your body! Once your kegel muscles are strong enough, play around with reverse kegels, and you’ll eventually feel a new kind of stimulation from within, and experience an implosive orgasm.

Remember men have nerves beyond the penis! Balls, nipples, ears, or whatever, are all fair targets for sexual pleasure. Sex should be a full body experience, not a genital fetish.

Learning to regulate your ejaculations is a powerful, powerful practice. I can not stress this one enough. Go for as long as you can without ejaculating, while still enjoying sex, and see what it does to your energy levels and overall life. It’s okay to ejaculate, but do everything you can to reach a level of sexual potency where after you ejaculate you’re still hard, horny, and happy. A few tips.


1: Don’t ejaculate during sex until you’ve been going at it for awhile, 30 minutes plus, given your partner a lot of pleasure, and have had a few implosive orgasms yourself. Don’t make ejaculation the point of sex, make it part of sex.

2: Learn to enjoy sex without ejaculating at all. Get hard, get it on, experience a wonderful time, but do not ejaculate. This will leave you horny, yes, but it will also leave your energy levels super-charged to do other things besides sex. There is nothing like my man William fucking my brains out and yet not ejaculating. It leaves him super-energized and eager for more-more-more. End your sexual experiences on a high and horny note.

3: Eat right! Nutrition has powerful influence on sexual performance. Staying hard, and staying in control, requires the fuel to do so. Your body will flush out excess nutrition without any problems, so take those vitamins, eat the leafy green veggies, and give your body the fuel it requires to operate properly. It’s a huge subject unto itself, but a lot of people are actually suffering from malnutrition because of the horrible processed foods they are putting into their bodies. Get as close as you can to: “plucking it off the tree,” or “eating the fresh kill.” Nature has all this stuff already figured out, we just need to listen to her.

Let’s explore the wonders of female sexuality in the next essay.

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