Roleplay to another level

Q and A

Max Irrational_Symbol

~~~Q and A~~~

Q: Why the name “Max Irrational”? What does it mean?
A: The irrational number of 1.618… is known as the Phi Ratio, or Golden Mean (click here to learn more). It’s a ratio that regularly shows up all throughout Nature. Without getting into a complex math lesson, the Phi Ratio is the most irrational of the irrational numbers.

Without getting into a complex metaphysics/philosophy lesson, 1.618… is the gateway point between the mathematical world and the worlds of creation. You can simply think of Max Irrational as a gateway, portal, or door between worlds. The gateway between the serious side of life, and the playful side of life.

Fyrona originally got the name from the club where her parents met and fell in love, many years ago. It was a “Halloween Erotic Ball” filled with all kinds of sexy costumes. The name Max Irrational is, in part, a tip of the hat to her wise and loving parents.

Creation dances between opposites: hot/cold, forward/backward, hard/soft, big/small, Yin/Yang, left brain/right brain, Masculine/Feminine, Logical/Intuitive, Intellect/Emotion, efficiency/fun, Reality/Fantasy, and so on. There are appropriate times to “swing” to one extreme end—but getting stuck becomes a very bad thing. We can’t get lost in having fun, and if we only stay serious our hearts will wither. There is a time for maximum rationality, just as there is a time for Max Irrational.

Having fun isn’t a “practical” activity. Other than procreating, which can happen pretty damn quick and doesn’t even require the female to orgasm, what purpose does sex serve? Why should we make sex last to maximize our pleasure levels? What is the point of full-body multi-orgasmic pleasure? What purpose does fun serve? Where’s the logic, science, and efficiency of it all? Why have fun for the sake of having fun? It’s impractical. It’s irrational. Okay, so we don’t need our oversized sex organs, all the insanely messy orgasms, the wild parties, and our overall superpowered sexuality… but they sure are fun!

Q: How do your members communicate with each other?
A: Each Probie is given an advanced comms unit upon invitation. The comms unit can function as a wrist device or headset. It’s basically an advanced cell-phone, that can project 3D holographic displays. We have a normal SG Chat channel, an extra SG channel, an Officers channel, a private messaging system, and our comms units are connected to the world’s communications systems, allowing anyone to connect with their own communication device. So whenever we might be needed for help, we can be called in.

Q: Could I fuck Fyre if I join?
A: Ha! Fyre does love to sexually explore with new partners, and if you’re a contributing member of Max Irrational she will take more notice of you. However, she’s not a promiscuous mindless slut. She will follow her rules no matter what. Her rules can be read about in detail here.

Q: What if I have no idea what I want to do in the SG, or nothing fits me. Can I just hang out and beat up bad guys?
A: Of course! That’s perfectly fine. Nobody has any pressure on them whatsoever. Join an effort only if you feel called to it. Everyone is encouraged to find their own way and their own place. If you never engage in anything sexual, and just want to kick Villainy’s ass, that is perfectly okay. Just realize you’re probably still going to run into sexual things! We do have Super-Human porn stars running around after all.

Q: Don’t you find what you’re doing to be a little… weird? A lot of people think you’re all just a bunch of deviant sex-addicts who need help.
A: Haters will hate! Everybody has their own definition of “weird.” In some cultures woman going topless is the norm, while in others that’s considered “distasteful” or even immoral. In some cultures you kiss each other on the cheeks to say hello, while in other cultures that action would get you punched in the face.

Weird is about mental programming, and personal preferences. What weird is not about, is right and wrong. Whether a behavior is considered weird or not doesn’t determine if it’s right or wrong. Don’t confuse personal “weird” preferences with objective right and wrong. If it’s not your thing, that’s fine. But your thing doesn’t determine the universe’s Laws, especially what is right and what is wrong. Just because it’s not your thing doesn’t mean it’s suddenly wrong.

Where is the line between being a sex-addict (when sex becomes a problem), and a sex-freak (when sex is simply a lot of fun)? Between having too much sex and having regular great sex? Between sex destroying lives, and sex making people real damn happy? That line is different for each individual. It’s not up to me, you, or anyone else to determine that. That’s up to the individual. So long as it’s pleasure without problems, which is Max Irrational’s main motto, than it’s fine. And pleasure without problems requires that sex serves as a celebration of life—not as a distraction from the serious issues of life.

Q: Why is your philosophy on dealing with problems and conflicts called “Anarchy”? Don’t you have a leader?
A: Do true leaders bark orders and issue threats until everyone jumps up to obey the “authority”? Or do true leaders speak with authentic passion and issue the truth to people until everyone jumps up off their asses to do the right thing of their own accord? Do true leaders blackmail, or inspire? Do people really need a new savior somewhere in the sky, or do they need a good hard look deep into the spiritual mirrors?

Anarchy is a word that has been devastated by misuse, by using it in a context it was never meant to be used in, over and over again. Please redefine the word, so you can understand a new meaning behind it. Anarchy does NOT mean chaos, death, or destruction, nor does it mean disorder, lack of structure, or no enforcement of Law. It simply means: “No rulers, no overlords.” Anarchy does NOT mean: “no rules, no consequences for behavior.” Anarchy doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want with no consequences. There are always consequences for chosen behavior, and man doesn’t make that a Law—Nature does.

Enforcing Law should be part of a peaceful society. However, whose Law is being enforced? Greedy and heartless men who care not for you? Or Nature’s Law that deeply desires you find your happiness and purpose? What we need are Officers of Natural Law—not people in uniform who murder over insane “justifications.”

Anarchy means there are no psychopaths trying to play God and rule over the entire world. It means each individual rules over themselves, and sees for themselves what is right and what is wrong. They don’t look up to a “big daddy” figure to command down unto them what is right and wrong. Anarchy is what happens in a society when there are just as many governments are there are people.

Our philosophy on dealing with problems is called Anarchy because beyond all those false illusions of safety and security, true peace can only happen on the individual level. Solving the problem is impossible when the individual refuses to see how they are creating the problem. Every tragedy done in the name of “Order” that has ever transpired happened because some individual didn’t know right from and wrong, and then behave according to that knowing—instead they obeyed their master like a good little bitch and committed the immoral behavior, because they were “just doing their job.” News flash for such people: There is no such thing as a moral and bloody paycheck.

While other people can help, guide, and give different views, ultimately the number one person equipped to handle your problems, is you. Yes, our Leader and Officers will do what they can to help solve any problem, but they are not freaking miracle workers.

To give Anarchy a befitting metaphor in relation to Max Irrational: “Don’t be the chair that falls under its own weight, be the chair that supports a nice ass.”

Q: Who enforces your rules? And what happens if they aren’t followed?
A: We all enforce our rules. If someone acts out of line, and breaks any of our 3 rules, repercussions must be done. If someone isn’t going to change, shape up, and realize for themselves their mistakes, than they no longer have a home in Max Irrational. We would rather see people grow from their mistakes, but we will not allow for disrespectful people to be part of our community.

What happens all depends on the specific situation. Sometimes people just need to agree to disagree, and keep their distance from each other. Sometimes they need to be kicked out of the Supergroup. Not everyone has to be best buds, but they do have to respect each other.

We don’t ignore the man-made laws, but at the same time we understand there are Laws above the man-made ones—Natural Law. Throwing someone in a cage for years because they smoked an herb is fucking wrong. We don’t obey the stupid man-made laws, because they are wrong. The smart ones, on the other hand, are there for a reason.

Q: Where do I sign up? I want to join!
A: Send our leader an e-mail either at: “@fyremelons1618”, or: “”. Catch her or a member of Max when they’re available, hang out for a bit, and request an invite!

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