Roleplay to another level

WCOC Interview

WCOC Morning News
Interview with Goddess Fyre

Fy at WCOC News

The Channel 8 WCOC News program, “Good Morning Millennium City,” begins. The introduction flashes with professional effects and finally fades into a shot of Victoria Crownstone sitting in the right chair and Fy’rona Caroline sitting in the left chair, opposite each other. Victoria is a pretty blonde with a comforting yet assertive voice perfect for a morning news show, dressed for the job in a purple suit and long skirt. Fy’rona is a red-headed 6’3” beauty with curves beyond belief, dressed in her casual clothes: a perfectly conforming longsleeve black T-shirt with decorative blue flames, dark green/blue cargo pants, comfy running shoes, her signature wrist and ankle bracelets with unique magical sigils, and her signature black collar with a hanging violet dragon ouroboros ring. Her entire body is surrounded by what appears to be an aura of blue flame, though somehow it doesn’t set her chair ablaze.

WCOC Interview

Victoria looks into the camera as she cheerfully says, “Good Morning Millennium City! Today we are interviewing the one and only Fy’rona Caroline, aka Goddess Fyre, Millennium City’s most controversial Hero. Popular, passionate, and unquestionably devoted to fighting crime. And also a Porn Star. Yes, you heard that right. Or, ‘Adult Entertainer’ as she prefers. Some say that she’s helping people to find healthy sexuality and create a better society, while others say she’s destroying the minds of the youth and she’s a blemish upon society. Whatever you think is up to you. Today we are hearing what Miss Fyre has to say herself, as we ask her the tough questions and play devils advocate.”

Victoria turns to her, “Miss Fyre, thank you for agreeing to this interview.”

Fyre warmly smiles and says, “Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak to Millennium City.”

“Let’s start with your powers. How is that chair not catching on fire?”

Fyre chuckles. “My flames are not normal flames. I control their heat, so I only burn what I will. They’re spiritual in nature, not an easy thing to explain. Simply put, they are an extension, an expression, of my mind and will. They can interact with physical things in ways that normal flames can’t. I can do a lot with them, from burning and exploding, to healing myself and others, grasping objects much like telekinesis, and even form solid shields, protecting me from nearly any form of attack. They stop bullets like they were ping-pong balls. Hence why I’m not usually wearing much armor. And they keep everyone around me just-right warm.”

“You are known for running about M-City in rather skimpy attire.”

“Nothing you wouldn’t see at a beach.”

“Good point. And you’re also a telepath, correct?”

“Yes, one who respects the private thoughts of others. Though sometimes I admit I can’t help taking a peek.” Fy can’t resist her playful smile.

Victoria chuckles. “That’s good to hear. So what about your Superhero name, ‘The Blue Fyre of Anger.’ Why blue fire, and why is it spelt with a ‘y’ instead of an ‘i’?”

“The Blue Fyre of Anger is a metaphor of healthy, defense, heart-based anger. It’s the kind of anger that rises to correct violations of Free Will, that stands against evil no matter what it takes. Compared to the red fire of anger, which is unhealthy, destructive, Ego-driven anger. That’s the kind of anger born from not getting what you want, and throwing a hissy-fit over it. Of course these are just metaphors, one way of looking at it, to explain the differences between healthy and unhealthy anger.”

Victoria nods, “Interesting.”

“Fyre is spelt with a Y for two different reasons. One is my name. I’m not the element of fire, I am me! So a different spelling is needed to be my name. The second is, the letter Y implies the question of ‘Why?’ which is something I want to get people asking, as much as possible. We have to go beyond the where, when, what, how and who. And ask that deep philosophical question of ‘Why?’ After all, it is the question that drives us.”

“Indeed it is. Are you actually a Goddess?”

Fyre shakes her head. “No, it’s just a title that befits me. I’m very powerful, but I’m no deity. However, I am heavenly sexy and ‘divine’ in certain aspects of life…” Fyre casts a playful green-eyed gleaming look into the camera that says it all.

“No need to go into detail. So, let’s get the obvious question out of the way. Why are you Porn Star?”

The fiery vixen has spoken with confidence and power as she always does, but now a deeply serous conviction is behind her words, “I am a Guardian of Free Will, an Officer of Natural Law. I do what I do for a number of reasons, but the main one is to prove my point: Morality, meaning right and wrong, isn’t a matter of tastes or lifestyles. Morality is a matter of harm. If no harm is being done, people have the right to do what they will. I’m not asking anyone to change their personal lives, I’m asking everyone to respect the personal lives of others. Peace has requirements. What are they?”

Victoria slightly smiles, and isn’t sure how to respond for a moment. “That’s, quite the answer Miss Fyre. But don’t you think you’re encouraging promiscuity, and sex outside of marriage?”

“If people are gonna copy my sexual choices, that is their choice. I’m not encouraging anyone to have any particular kind of sexuality, I’m encouraging everyone to find their healthy and happy sexuality. Yes, I’m a popular hero, who has influence. But my influence should be through my words, my good deeds, the passion I have to help create a peaceful world. Not how I enjoy my personal life, or my sexuality. Yes, I’m a promiscuous woman, meaning I choose to share my sexuality with multiple partners—not that I run around breaking hearts and wrecking homes long as I get some. Yes, I have sex outside of marriage. But is that wrong? Is that some evil horrible thing that must be stopped at all costs? I’m not hurting anyone, I’m not breaking any hearts. I’m actually doing the exact opposite. Because I’m careful and considerate about who I sleep with. I’m honest and upfront, all the time. I don’t wear any masks—if you catch my drift.

“While I certainly have a powerful sex drive, it doesn’t rule my life.” She briefly places a hand over her heart, “My heart rules my life, my sense of right and wrong, my morality. No matter how much I desire someone, if problems or harm would come about by sleeping with them, I won’t. And same thing no matter how much someone desires me. I don’t encourage anyone to have my sexuality. I encourage everyone to experience pleasure without problems, however the individual wishes. And that’s what this is ultimately about, the individual. Not me, not sexuality, not how one enjoys their private life. You, me, the police, religion, government, nobody has the right to infringe on the personal space of the individual—so long as that individual is honoring Free Will and doing no harm. This isn’t about me or my sexuality, it’s about what’s truly right and wrong. So no, I don’t think I’m encouraging promiscuity or sex outside of marriage. Because that’s none of my business, that’s the business of the individual.”

“So you’re claiming one’s personal life is their own responsibility, and you’re not to blame for their problems?”


“And what would you have to say to those who insist otherwise?”

Fyre makes an effort to not sigh too heavily, but she still sighs. “This gets into a lot of things. A lot of very sensitive areas that challenge the Ego. Obviously, culture and media have influence over people. I’m not claiming they don’t. But culture and media don’t outright control people. Influence, yes. Completely control, no. We can point fingers in this direction and that direction, but at the end of the finger pointing there’s one finger more important than all the others. And that’s the one in the mirror. If you think of yourself as a victim of culture then that’s all you’ll ever be.

“I’m not to solely blame for people’s problems, and nor is the media or culture. Enough with the scapegoats! The individual must take responsibility and dominion over their own mind, their own body, their own life. Have I potentially influenced someone out there in a negative way? Yes, that’s possible. But is that my fault? Am I personally responsible for everyone’s choices? Of course not. I am constantly talking about morality, health, and important topics, I do everything I can to help people in whatever ways I can, and I practice what I preach. That’s not a negative influence. Some people argue that my career and lifestyle choices are having a negative influence, but what those people don’t talk about is the positive influence. I’ve lost count of how many people have thanked me for helping them in their lives, with sexuality, with the tough questions of life, with finding their way in this crazy madhouse of a world.

“How many problems are plaguing us, and some people wanna focus on how I, and others, get our jollies? Come on, that’s not the issue, that’s not what we should be focusing on. We should be focusing on the origins of evil, the psychological roots of criminal behavior, the reasons for the problems. The actual cure, not some feel good band-aid for the symptoms. I think I can speak on behalf many people when I say: enough with the immaturity and enough with the trolls! The real issue is morality, and the lack of morality. I’m interested in peace, and peace has requirements.”

“You’ve said that twice now, so what are the requirements for peace?”

“I word it like that for a reason. The reality before us has absolute Laws, both in the physical and the psychological, that man did not put into effect. If you, say, wanna boil water there are requirements to do that. If you wanna stay warm in freezing cold weather, there are requirements to do so. If you wanna protect yourself against an attacker, happy thoughts aren’t gonna do it. We are all familiar with the physical Laws, and we obey them. Because if we don’t, harm results, or at the very least we don’t accomplish the given task.

“But, there are also psychological Laws. This is one of the main topics of my blogs, and I can’t go into detail here or else I’ll spend the rest of the interview just talking about this! There is more to reality than what your five sense can detect. And that’s more to reality, meaning it’s objective, there and in effect regardless of what you believe. If you wanna, say, have a stress free relationship, there are requirements. If you wanna know the truth, there are requirements. If you wanna be actually happy, there are requirements. And those requirements, while a personal thing yes, are not absolutely subjective. There are common universal objective Laws of the mind. You know what your five basic physical needs are: food, water, and so on. But do you know what your five basic psychological needs are?

“If we truly want a peaceful world, happy thoughts and magical thinking aren’t the requirements. Voting some puppet into office isn’t part of the solution. If we want a peaceful world, beating up the bad guys isn’t gonna accomplish the task—not to say there aren’t villains who need to be dealt with in a direct physical manner and stopped, of course there is.

“The task, is what’s known at the Great Work. And it is the most difficult, challenging, and effort-filled task you could imagine. It is nothing less than changing the minds of people, it is telling them that their beliefs are wrong, that their ideas are not valid, that what they think is going on is not what’s going on. It is nothing less than challenging the well established and accepted social madness across every one of its ugly masks. It’s the most difficult task because it directly challenges the human Ego, it’s a straight on assault. And mind you that’s Ego with a capital E, the negative unhealthy Ego.

“Peace is not the sole responsibility of some superhero. Peace is not the sole responsibility of some leader, king, or president. Peace, is the responsibility of us all. Everyone needs to know, practice, and spread morality. Because morality is the requirement for peace. Morality in everyone, not just a few.

Fyre continues, “And that’s morality in the objective sense of the word, not some opinion about morality, but rather what morality actually is. You don’t have an opinion on whether or not the floor beneath your feet exists. It’s there, it’s real, it’s objective, you interact with it and are effected by it regardless of what you believe or think. All the things your five senses can detect are there, real, objective. But there are things your five senses can’t detect that are also there, real, objective. Like morality.

“Morality is summed up by three words: Do No Harm. But, people wanna confuse and over-complicate things to, well, death. Which is why I spend so much time and so many words explaining things. I’ll stop here though and leave the rest to my blogs, Fysblogs dot com, otherwise I’ll just keep on going and going and going. I do that.”

Vitoria grins. “Yes, you do. You speak with an incredible amount of passion. What motivates you? Did you have a personal experience that sparked your quest for peace?”

“That’s a long story. Suffice to say, yes. I’ve been around.”

“And are you willing to go into detail?”

“Not beyond what I’ve already publicly stated. I’m originally from another world, another Realm, and I’ve found my new home here in Millennium City, along with my longtime friends, who’ve chosen to join me here. We’ve all been around for a long time.”

“How long?”

“Longer than a century.”

“Interesting. Well you look amazing for being so old!” They both chuckle. “Is there any reason you don’t talk about where you come from in detail?”

“Yes. It’s nothing negative or personal. It’s because wherever I come from, Millennium City is my now my focus, as it should be for all of us. What I’m doing in M-City is what I’ve done for a long time. Being a Hero and Adult Entertainer, challenging unhealthy social structures, and doing everything I can to help people find peace and happiness.”

“An excellent point. It’s not about where we’ve been, but rather where we’re going.”

Fyre nods, “Exactly.”

“Let’s talk about about your Supergroup, Max Irrational. What does the name mean?”

“There’s three reasons behind the name. First, a little math. I promise it won’t take long. The Fibonacci Sequence of numbers shows up in Nature all over the place, from the way plants grow to the spiral arms of the milky way galaxy. You add the previous two numbers to get the new one, so 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13, and so on. The sequence of numbers have a relationship, a ratio, of 1.618, known at the Phi Ratio, or Golden Mean. Without making this a full blown math lesson, the Phi Ratio is the most irrational of the irrational numbers. Hence, Max Irrational. It’s an allusion to the Phi Ratio, a different way of wording it.”

Victoria’s head rests in her hand, a thumb under chin and a finger on her cheeks. “Interesting.”

“Second, is a bit of simple brain science. I promise it won’t hurt. There are two hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is mostly devoted to logical, linear, and computational things. Like math, language, and so on. It’s very rational, and likes to do, to solve problems. It takes things in bits at a time, step by step. It’s very serious, get to the point, what’s the goal. While the right hemisphere of the brain is mostly devoted to creative, intuitive, and ‘big picture’ kind of things. Like art, spirituality, and so on. It’s very irrational, and likes to just be, to take in the moment. It’s fun, interested in enjoying things, what’s the meaning.

“Now in the world, as a general statement, people are far too focused on the left hemisphere side of life. It’s all about money, the time on the clock, and moving a million miles an hour to get to that goal. And all the while missing out on all that beautiful scenery, all those quiet moments, all the experiences of joy and growth and ecstasy that could have been. Now of course there must be balance in all things, but what the world needs is more irrationality, more letting be and letting go, more art and more spirituality. More slowing down, breathing in and out, and just enjoying this moment. More fun for the sake of fun. More sex for the sake of sex! To actually just enjoy your life, your body, this gift we’ve been given, without any ‘goal’ or ‘gotta go gotta get there now’ kind of energy. To let beauty be purpose unto itself. Beauty is the purpose. What a concept! And that’s beauty of whatever kind. Of course we all have our personal definitions of what’s beautiful.

“The left side wants to conquer, it wants power. The right side wants to feel alive, it wants peace. Too much emphasis on the left, and you get villainy, tyrants, boss-hogs, people who think they own others. Too much emphasis on the right, and you get laziness, pacifists, push-overs, people who don’t take a stand against tyranny. Regardless of how ‘big’ that tyranny might be.

“Happiness is a healthy combination of both sides, of both yin and yang. Yes, you gotta be rational and serious at times. But, you must also be irrational and fun at times too. I mean, what is the point of fun? Of joy? What’s the purpose, the goal? Well, the goal is to be happy! To be alive, to feel, to experience, to wonder, to be what you are in Nature, and not be defined by what you do in society. We could all use a few moments of Maximum Irrationality. To be happy and full of joy without any ‘reason’ or ‘goal.’ Unreasonable happiness, because Life should be ecstasy. Tell me why it shouldn’t.”

Victoria pauses, lowers her hand from her head, and shrugs. “I got nothing.”

Fyre chuckles. “And finally, Max Irrational is the name of the dance club where my parents met. It’s one of the ways I honor them.”

“I think that about explains the name. Now let me ask you, and without breaking the teen rating this station is devoted to, what does Max Irrational do?”

“Max Irrational is first and foremost a community of Heroes devoted to fighting crime and villainy, to fighting evil no matter what mask it might ever wear. It’s a supergroup in the usual sense, but it goes where other supergroups would never dare, openly celebrating and exploring sexuality, in ways that respect everyone’s individual tastes so long as Free Will and Innocence are honored. While we are first and foremost a crime-fighting effort, we are also four additional efforts, all related to sexuality: Sex Education; A Modeling Agency; An Adult Film Company; And a Superpowered Brothel/Strip Club/Bar/Restaurant. Members may participate in whatever area, or combination of areas, they feel comfortable with.”

“You did say brothel, right? You’ll gonna need to explain that one.”

Fyre nods with a grin. “Of course. People hear the word ‘brothel’ and immediately think of a run down, dirty establishment with people working there that don’t exactly look disease-free. That’s not what Max Irrational’s brothel is, in any way. Our brothel is called Passion Shadows, and it’s run by Emmanuelle, aka Shadow Tide, or just Em. She’s a long time friend, comrade, and lover of mine. While Passion Shadows is a bar, restaurant, and strip club, where I do a show every other Friday night, it is also a high-class, one-hundred percent clean, safe, and legal establishment where people can go to exchange money for sex. Obviously, that’s not for everyone. It isn’t for me! I don’t personally believe in exchanging money for sex. I believe sex, meaning real life face to face sex, should be free of any monetary concern. Sex should be about joy, love, and meaningful connections between people.

“But, people have different views, different personal preferences, and that must be respected. Passion Shadows is probably our most controversial area, as it takes sexuality out of the fantasy and into reality, and openly gives the ‘okay’ to prostitution. Again, it comes back to individual choices. Max Irrational doesn’t push anyone into any kind of sexual behavior. We allow for, and encourage, the individual to express, explore, and enjoy their own sexuality in whatever ways they wish, so long as they maintain their integrity, and a respect for Free Will and Innocence. If no harm is being done, people have the right to do what they will. That’s called freedom. Doesn’t mean you have to like it, approve of it, or engage in it yourself. Freedom, aka peace, has requirements.”

“But don’t you think by paying for sex, harm is being done? In a, shall I say, ethical way? That too much sexual freedom is a bad thing, and eventually destroys society?”

“If people are going to exchange money for sex, that isn’t any of my business, or anyone’s business save for the people involved in that exchange. Is harm being done in that exchange? Well that all depends on the specific case, that exact exchange and the full story around it. If harm is being done, then yes someone needs to step in and stop the harm. Yes, some people do sell their sexuality because they are imbalanced, mentally damaged, and in desperate need of healing. But, that doesn’t apply to everyone. There are women, and men for that matter, who work at Passion Shadows and love what they do. They’re not depressed or abused, nor do they think of themselves as degraded or worthless. I know that might be tough to believe, but it’s true. If a customer mistreats them, in any way, they are no longer a customer. Respect is rule number one at Passion Shadows.”

“You’re certainly challenging social views, Miss Fyre.”

“It’s what I do. Right and wrong are eternal, immutable, and exist throughout all societies and all cultures. People and their personal interests can change, but morality does not. Time and space don’t change right and wrong.”

“That’s quite the saying…”

“And, I’m glad you brought up too much sexual freedom, as that can easily become a problem, a big one. I like to say: ‘Discipline and Delights’. It’s a catchy little way of capturing a very complex idea, that we could unpack for hours if we had the time. I’m not a Hedonist, meaning I don’t believe pleasure is all that matters. Does pleasure matter? Of course. But so does morality, so does honesty, so does dealing with your own demons, and fighting the good fight. Life should be ecstasy, yes. As I said before. And by the way that’s ecstasy for everyone, not just a select group or race or culture. But, that ecstasy isn’t possible while evil is running amok and ruining people’s lives. Evil must be dealt with for ecstasy to manifest.

“Sex should never get in the way of life, it should be a celebration of life. Sex should never become an addiction, meaning sex becomes more important than anything else. Now, sex becoming a healthy obsession? Meaning you enjoy it to absolute max while never letting it ruin your life, or the life of those around you? Nothing wrong with that! It all comes back to Max Irrational’s number one motto: ‘Pleasure without problems.'”

Victoria pauses for a moment, and says, “It’s tough to argue with that. Could you give us more information about what Max Irrational does, in a day to day sense?”

“What Max Irrational does is fight villainy, in the physical sense of flesh and blood villains through things like working with the MCPD and other organizations, going on patrol, and tracking down the bad guys. But we also fight villainy in the psychological sense, combating shallow belief systems and social repression of what is natural and healthy, through things like education, political activism, public events, and our erotic media. All the while taking some time to relax, enjoy ourselves, and indulge in Life’s pleasures. We regularly have parties and lots of wild times. There is nothing inherently wrong with pleasure, with sexual pleasure, or with sexual fantasies. It’s the context, the full story, the repercussions of sexual pleasure where right and wrong are determined. Our indulgence isn’t a distraction from our duties.”

“And nobody argues that Max Irrational fights crime, nor that it’s very sexual. But I must ask, what about the effects you and your supergroup are having on younger minds? Some claim you’re not concerned with children at all.”

“On the exact contrary, teaching kids about healthy sexuality, as soon as they reach the appropriate age of course, is a vital part of a healthy society, and it’s something I’m very concerned with. While my sexual education efforts vary far and wide, they are partly geared at parents to help them teach their own kids about sexuality. Which, they should all be doing. I also make appropriate non-pornographic materials designed to introduce sexuality to younger minds. Teaching children about sexuality is an eventually unavoidable lesson. It’s okay to talk about it! It’s part of Nature, part of our humanity. Of course every child needs their time of innocence, but that innocence doesn’t last forever. At some point puberty and a powerful sex drive are gonna hit, and it must be dealt with.

“A young curious mind needs direction, needs wisdom, needs a role model to teach them and let them know it’s okay to be what you are! The question is who or what is doing the teaching? Some porno without any educational interest behind it that slowly warps a young mind to think sex is only on a screen? Or a wise and loving parental figure? Or perhaps a porno that goes way beyond just being a porno, and will lead them into educational materials. To help them develop a healthy sexuality, a shame-free and problem-free fantasy life, and the discernment needed to know fantasy from reality.

“If a younger mind happens upon my adult material, they’ll be lead into my educational materials, and learn about healthy sexuality, and the healthy use of adult materials. Teaching about the differences between fantasy and reality, teaching that it’s okay to be horny and to indulge a bit, and teaching about the effects of excessive porn use and too much masturbation, is part of a complete sexual education that just isn’t talked about enough.

“Of course this is a very sensitive subject, and we could talk much more about this. The fact is kids grow up, puberty hits, and sex drives can’t be avoided forever. It needs to be openly and honestly talked about and dealt with in non-repressive and educational ways. Sexual fantasy, porn, isn’t going away, but proper and healthy sexual educational efforts can come into society, on mass. So where should our focus be? The goal isn’t to repress the sex drive, it’s to direct the sex drive. Pleasure without problems, that’s the goal of Max Irrational.”

“But don’t you think by creating adult materials, and being as popular as you are, you’re contributing to the problem?”

“I’m not denying that porn can have negative effects. I am denying porn has to have negative effects. There are people who’ve watched porn, even at a young age, and turned out okay! Again, it comes back to the individual and their choices. Which are directly influenced by their sources of information, by what they believe, by what they think is right and wrong, by their education. Which is why education is so important, as early as possible, and as early as it’s appropriate. I’m not contributing to the problem, I’m contributing to the solution. Which is not repression, nor who cares liberation. Balance in all things. The solution is discipline and delight, respect and ecstasy, pleasure without problems.”

Victoria doesn’t seem too convinced. “You’ve certainly given people plenty to talk about this morning.”

Fyre adds, “Plenty more to talk about.”

Victoria chuckles. “You have a way of, pushing people’s buttons.”

“That’s the only way people can get re-programmed.”

Victoria pauses. “Interesting response. Our interview time is nearing an end, already. But I have one more question for you Miss Fyre. Why did you choose to wear what you’re wearing, and not your usual skimpy superhero costume?”

“I’m glad you asked that Victoria. First, when I’m talking and seeking to get my points across, the last thing I want is to create unnecessary distractions from my words, from my voice, from the power and conviction behind what I speak. There’s a time and place for everything.

“Showing off my body and dressing sexy is something I enjoy for a number of reasons. It certainly grabs attention, and whether that’s positive or negative, it’s attention. And all the wisdom in the world is worthless if no attention is directed at it. Dressing sexy helps to prove my point, that sexual doesn’t mean shallow. I can be a supersexy heroine and be a supersmart, and supermoral, woman. These things aren’t mutually exclusive! Dressing sexy also helps to break taboos around the human body. There is nothing wrong, or degrading, or corrupting about our bodies! We shouldn’t feel ashamed of the human form, or of our sexual desires. I’m not saying we should all run around naked and have random orgies, I’m simply saying let’s not make such a big deal outta some skin! Again, balance in all things.

“And lastly, I love to be beautiful before those eyes that find me beautiful. I seek to bring as much beauty, and as much pleasure, as I can into the world. And while of course that includes beauty of a sexual nature, it includes every kind of beauty. Peace is the most beautiful thing of all.”

“Any closing thoughts to share?”

“I think I’ve summed up everything. My philosophy website is fysblogs dot com, where I passionately delve into how to learn, what is truth, and what’s the difference between perception and belief, to name a few. It will ‘tickle’ your Ego, I guarantee it.” Fy grins, knowing full well that “tickle” is far to light of a word to use. “And my adults-only website is Goddessfyre dot com, which is both sexually entertaining and sexually educational. You’ll find my contact info on ether site. I love to hear from people, and I love to have my views challenged, as truth can’t be known from only one point of view. It’s been a pleasure Victoria, thank you for your time.”

“And thank you Miss Fyre.” Victoria looks into the camera, “Stay with us folks, we’ll be right back with callers speaking their mind about this interview and asking Fyrona their own questions.” The screen cuts to a commercial…

[OOC: Ask me in Champions Online if you have any questions/comments for Fyre and I’ll eventually add them to this interview! My in game e-mail is: “@fyremelons1618”. See you in game! ]

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