Roleplay to another level

About Fy


Here’s where you can learn about me—the woman Fyrona Caroline. What I enjoy (besides sex), who I am (besides a Super-Human Sex-Goddess), and what interests me (…besides sex). I love music, I love a good laugh, and I love fearlessly speaking the truth. I’m a passionate person who is not afraid to directly challenge the lies. I have no concern for tip toeing around to pamper people’s precious Egos. So if I upset you, tough luck buttercup.

I’m a down to earth person. I have every interest in keeping myself authentic. I’m not in any sort of  “higher class” or “up there in the clouds above you.” Such ideas are complete bullshit. I’m not “better” than anyone else. There is no such thing as being better than someone else. However, there is such a thing as being better at a skill or job. Perhaps you’re better at running than most people are. Perhaps someone else kicks your ass in the game of chess, every time. Perhaps other people are better at talking to beautiful woman. Perhaps I’m better at cooking than you are. Perhaps you’re better at singing than I am (which is most likely the case—trust me, you don’t want to hear my excuse for singing.) There is no better, however, there is better at.


We are all inherently Sovereign beings, and we all have a place in this crazy puzzle of the world. I’ll spare you the ten hour lecture here, but at the core of it all, beyond all our differences, beyond this physical reality we share, embedded in the deepest down spiritual truth we are interwoven with: we are a unified being. The heart that beats in my chest beats in yours. That does not mean there aren’t differences in this reality—there is. There is good, and there is evil.

Evil is the result of the opposites working against each other, when yin and yang, feminine and masculine, internal and external, work out of harmony with each other—it OR its opposite. Good is the result of the opposites working with each other, when yin and yang, feminine and masculine, internal and external, work in harmony with each other—it AND its opposite. The playful and the serious sides of life need to work together.

Good is the balanced equation. It does NOT require imbalance to remain balanced. Evil is not necessary—although its ugly head rearing up does require Conscious actions to wack it back down. If you honestly believe that evil is necessary, if you truly belief in that bullshit, please go explain your beliefs to abused children. I know where my feet, my mind, and my heart stand. Do you?

Bio: My stats, my powers, and some background story.

Music: Rock, Chill, Electronic, Trance, and plenty more.

Movies: Clips from my favorite thought-provoking films.

Funny Stuff: Pics, Videos, and whatever else to get a good laugh.

Max Irrational: Official webpage of my Adults-only Supergroup.