Roleplay to another level

The Rules

Max Irrational_Symbol

~~~The Rules~~~

We have 3 strictly enforced rules: The Non-Aggression Principal, The Self-Defense Principal, and Keep it Mature. While they are Max Irrational’s rules, they are better understand as universal rules according to Nature. They are part of Natural Law. If we really want a world of peace, than these rules MUST be followed. Peace is what automatically happens so long as these rules are followed. There are requirements for peace. Keep in mind I’m only skimming over the surface of a deep ocean—this is a few paragraphs trying to sum up hours of information.


Rule 1: Understand and practice the Non-Aggression Principal of Natural Law. No means no. Respecting Free Will must be a priority for every member. This could also be called the Sacred Feminine, or Goddess Energy.

Free Will is a concept that different minds can interpret in different ways. Without getting into the ten hour lecture on this subject (meaning I’m leaving out huge chunks of information that are needed for the full explanation), Free Will is directly connected to the differences between rightful ownership and wrongful ownership. Rightful ownership is what I call Property, and wrongful ownership is what I call Possessions.

Expand your definition of “own” to beyond just physical stuff. Do you own your body? Do you own your thoughts, emotions, relationships, and daily activities? Do you own how you spend your time and what you pay attention to? Do you own your mind and heart? Are you the main person in charge of those things, or you merely someone else’s Possession?

Property is what you make use of, what you put to good use. Rightful ownership isn’t a matter what’s written on paper, it’s a matter of who actually uses it. If you make use of a computer, keep it operating smoothly, and acquired it without hurting any anyone, than it’s your Property and you have rightful ownership of it. However, if you lay claim to owning a thousand computers you’ve never even touched, keep them all locked away to collect dust when other people could be putting them to good use, than those are your Possessions, and you do not have rightful ownership over them. Possessions boost Ego. Property boosts heart.

If you actually work the land under the Sun and sky to provide resources for life, that land is your rightful Property. If some suit ‘n tie moron claims he owns the land because that piece of paper says so, he does NOT have rightful ownership over that land, it is NOT his Property. It’s part of his Possession (if you catch my drift). When Mr. Suit ‘n Tie actually gets up off his ass and works the land, than he can starting claiming rightful ownership over it.

A person’s body, their interests, their right to pursue those interests, their mind and heart, their healthy relationships, their living quarters, and more, are all rightful pieces of Property that need to be respected if peace is be the situation. The Non-Aggression Principal means you honor those Property lines, and only cross over them when given clear permission. Or when someone violates this Non-Aggression Principal and you are forced to ether let them trample all over your Property, or defend yourself. Hence, the Self-Defense Principal.


Rule 2: Understand and practice the Self-Defense Principal of Natural Law. Evil must be combated, or else it will run amok. Defending Free Will must be a priority for every member. This could also be called the Sacred Masculine, or Warrior Energy.

Should the Non-Aggression Principal be violated, the violator has suspended their own rightful Property lines according to Natural Law, and can now be justly defended against with whatever level of force is required to put that violation down. There is a difference between violence, and defensive force. Violence violates Property. Defense force defends Property. Violence is wrong and does harm. Defense force is right and stops harm. Violence is starting shit. Defense force is ending it. Turns out Mr. School Teacher, ALL that matters is who started it.

Just as people have Property according to Nature, so do people have the right to defend their Property according to Nature. But it goes beyond that. A healthy community can be considered your Property. You have a right to healthy community situations and relations. So when someone in your community is being attacked, violated, infringed upon, you have an obligation to defend them. Especially when your “community” extends to the entire human species.

Rule 3: Deal with conflicts, problems, and drama as a mature adult who puts their Ego in the proper place. We are a community of mature minds, not whiny cry-babies, and it will be kept that way.


My philosophy on dealing with problems is best summed up by a very misunderstood word: “Anarchy.” No, I’m not talking about chaos, destruction, and lack of morality, I’m talking about the exact opposite. No, I’m not suggesting I don’t give a shit about your problems, because I do give a shit. No, I’m not suggesting we just drop every rule and throw morality away, and become a bunch of degenerate idiots. And no, I’m not suggesting there should be no structure and no enforcers of Law (there should be enforcers of law—enforcers of Natural Law).

Anarchy simple means: “No rulers, no overlords.” Anarchy does not mean: “No consequences, do whatever you want without consequences.” There are ALWAYS consequences for chosen behavior, whether those consequences are positive or negative. Anarchy means you are responsible more than anyone else to govern yourself, you face up to and correct your mistakes, and you are the one in charge of you. Anarchy means you look to your mind and heart, to your awareness, to know what is right and wrong. Instead of looking up to some high and mighty “authority” that will command down unto you what is right and wrong.

Anarchy means you yourself know right from wrong in any given situation, and you behave according to that, rather than needing orders from your rulers to tell you what is right and wrong in any given situation.

I can’t FORCE you to be a moral, happy, and respectful person. That is up to you.

While your own happiness does matter, so does everyone else’s. Conflicts seem to be inevitable, but they are not unsolvable. Be honest and upfront, no matter how much that might bruise your Ego. I have zero tolerance for ring-around-the-rosy pansy-ass mind games. Keep your games to the bedroom or find another Supergroup.

If you need to agree to disagree, that’s fine. You don’t need to get along with everybody, but you do need to show them respect. If you need to keep your distance from someone, than agree to that with them, and do so. It would be blind of me to think everyone is gonna be best buds, but it would short-sighted of me to think it’s impossible for people to respect each other. That is possible—if the individuals involved understand the Non-Aggression Principal of Natural Law.


Sometimes people need to go their separate ways, despite how amazing and wonderful their relationship was. Sometimes they both want to leave, which makes it much easier. But more often than not, one person desires to “work it out,” and the other person just wants out. Again, respect Free Will. If someone no longer wishes to be with you, no matter much it sucks, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how much it may shatter you… you have to respect their wishes.

If you don’t know what you want with relationships and sexuality, and if you don’t know your partner, you are fated to get something you don’t want. It’s all too easy to confuse the mask for the face. So look deeper. Just because they’ve got a mask on doesn’t mean they’re a Hero on the inside.

True happiness and true love are not vampired off others, they originate from within to be shared with others freely. If you asked to borrow 10 bucks from me, could I give that to you if I was totally broke? And if you asked me to give you my love, could I give that to you if I’m “totally broke”? When you have love within yourself, it can then be given to others—and not a moment before. Love is not a currency of exchange—its the endless supply of energy that sustains life.

Don’t depend on another for your own happiness. Enjoy life with others for the sake of everyone’s happiness. There is nothing wrong with being alone. There is nothing wrong with breaking up. There is nothing wrong with fucking up. Making mistakes and learning from them is Natural. Making mistakes and NOT learning from them, is the problem. Mistakes are your best teachers. True love isn’t dependent on another, it’s shared with another. If you can’t be happy with yourself, how in hell could you ever be happy with another?

My heart does not require the blood of another to beat, but it is all the stronger with it. What about yours?

Clearly establish what the nature of your relationships are BEFORE you have sex. If you’re looking for a one-night stand, that’s fine. Be honest and upfront about it. If you’re looking for a fuck-buddy, that’s fine. Be honest and upfront about it. If you’re looking for your true love to start a family with, that’s fine. Be honest and upfront about it. And be specific about your rules. Pleasure without problems has REQUIREMENTS. Know them. Preach them. Practice them.

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