Roleplay to another level



“Alright, pay attention now. I’m gonna put this condom on the banana.”

That is not the kind of sex-ed you’ll find here. I’m all about addressing the real issues of both physical and psychological natures, being down-to-earth with you, and speaking from my authentic Self. I will not edit myself for “political correctness.” Words like: cock, pussy, and tits, are not outlawed around these parts, and your sexual desires (straight, gay, bi, whatever kinks you got, etc) are not a taboo.

Sex-ed needs to go way beyond just discussing Safe Sex, Sex-ed needs to discuss Smart Sex. There are reasons pleasure can cause problems. What are they?

All of these pages are posted “as is.” Meaning they are not finalized—I’ll be adding details and/or massive changes over time. If you have a suggestion, feel free to send me an e-mail:””, or leave a comment on the page: “Questions for the Burning Bush.”


Sexual pleasure is a wonderful thing. But not when that pleasure has a cost in emotional pain, diminished energy levels, or any sort of problem. The information to be found here is focused on 2 core subjects: How to enhance the sexual pleasure itself for both her and him, and how to ensure that sexual pleasure never causes anything negative, such as embarrassment, shame, or heartache. Why bad things happen related to sexuality isn’t a mystery—it’s psychology. There is nothing inherently wrong with sexual desire, sexual pleasure, or sexual fantasy. Right and wrong are NOT found in the sex itself. Right and wrong are found in the complete story around the sex—what the repercussions are.


The following pages contain educational materials of a highly sexual nature that may cause enhanced pleasure!

1: Porn Versus Addiction

An in-depth exploration of porn, porn’s effects, and the creation of porn. I both defend the healthy use of porn, and seek to help people end the unhealthy use of porn. There is a difference between exploring and enjoying your sexuality with the healthy use of porn, and being addicted to porn to the point it destroys your life. There is nothing inherently wrong with porn. It’s all about the user. If used to enhance the libido, explore the imagination, and simply enjoy sex, porn is a good thing. If used to overdose on pleasure, screw up your brain chemistry, and ruin real life relationships, porn is a bad thing. The responsibility is on the individual far more than anything else. There is a lot of serious issues in the world, far more important than porn, but hey: it’s still an issue.

Happy Redhead

2: Pleasure Without Problems

You’ve heard me say this all throughout, and you’ll hear me say it again and again until the entire world, down to every last last individual across every culture and belief system, gets it. Sexuality should be a source of pleasure ONLY. But for that to happen, pleasure without problems has requirements, primarily: morality, honor, and respect. Yes, it is possible for someone to love sex, to adore the female/male body, to be into wild kinky stuff, AND be moral, honorable, and respectful. The stereotype in the mainstream that only bad people are into wild sex, and only good people are into boring sex, is ridiculous. We are designed to experience pleasure. So experience it!

3: Sexually Super-Charged

Sex should never diminish energy levels, but rather always increase them. Sex should be full of love, connection, and positive emotions, and completely absent of shame, guilt, and anything negative. Sex should be a wonderful and uplifting celebration of our humanity, not a highly efficient distraction from the serious matters of life. There are ways to enjoy great sex every day without wearing yourself out. There are ways for men to ejaculate and remain hard and eager to keep going. There are ways for anyone to transform themselves into an energized and beautiful sexual being, that does far more than just enjoy sex. The “Engines of Libido” can drive more than just sexual pleasures. The libido can enhance every aspect of your life, once it gets going good, and running smooth.

lanaadrian supercock

4: Maximizing His Pleasure

Guys! Your cock size is not set for life. There are ways to gradually increase the length, girth, hardness, and stamina of your member, naturally and without scam-pills or surgery. It’s known as (no joke): “Penis Exercising,” or PE for short. I’m not selling you anything. I’m simply interested in helping men become the most happy, huge, and hard they can become! Any man can have “Implosive” orgasms that do not result in ejaculation. Any man can learn to ejaculate and keep going afterward. Any man can learn to last as long as they, or their partner, would like. Your sexuality isn’t set in stone, it can change. Just as people can lose interest in sex, so too can they gain interest. Life is about serious stuff on one side, but it’s also about playful stuff on the other.

5: Keeping Her Satisfied

Gals! Your boob size is not set for life. There are ways to gradually increase the size, perkiness, and health of your breasts, naturally without surgery. It involves creams, massages, and hormones. I’m not selling you anything. I’m simply interested in helping women become the most happy, curvy, and beautiful they can become! Any woman can have multiple orgasms. Any woman can learn to squirt in full-body orgasms. Any woman can become a “personal porn star” for her partner. I don’t buy into the stereotype of: “men want sex, women want love,” at all. Call me crazy, but I say everyone wants both hot sex and authentic love. Of course there are differences between men and women, but at the core we want the same things. A vital element of true humanity is women and men authentically connecting, and accepting Nature’s gender roles. I said Nature’s gender roles—not society’s! Be a Woman, or Be a Man. It’s okay!

what do you love

6: Addicted to Love

Might as well face it: you’re addicted to love. But is that love authentic, deep, and based on honesty? Or is that love false, shallow, and based on lies? Love is a word with countless different definitions. There’s all kinds of love, and they all have value. Even false love, because false love can help reveal what is actually true love. There is a major difference between dependency-based love, and connection-based love. True love originates from within to be shared with others without a price tag. Unless it’s free, the love is false. Love doesn’t destroy lives, it inspires them. Love doesn’t abandon lovers and leave them for dead, it honesty and understandably pulls things apart as needed for what is best. Breaking up hurts, but that doesn’t mean the knife has to be twisted.

7: Questions for the Burning Bush

This blasphemous page is the place to comment on anything I do, express your point of view, and ask any questions you have, about anything. I will clarify, expand, or take back whatever I need to. I’m not afraid to make mistakes, because mistakes help me take another step deeper into truth, another step deeper into what is right. And I love connecting with my fans, so feel free to say hello!

Let me remind you the same word can be defined in thousands of different ways depending on the mind that defines it. A lot of people use the word “lust” to describe something horrible and evil. That’s fine. They can define the word however they’d like. I use the word “lust” simply to describe the healthy, natural, organic drive for sexual pleasure. I in engage love-guided lust, not lust-guided love. Keep it in context or you’re not keeping it in truth.